- Publisher: Bosque Press
- Edition: Issue 7
- Available in: paperback
- ISBN: 978-0-9884332-7-4
- Published: November 1, 2017
2017 bosque fiction prize winners
- 1st place: “This Is an Exercise in Detachment” by Amy Purcell
- Runner-up: “Strands of a Necklace Down the Throat of the Mountain”
by Rolf Yngve - Honorable Mentions: “Pink Clouds” by Jeanne Gassman,
“The Woman Who Shot Jesse James” by Michelle Anderson
2017 bosque fiction prize finalists
- “Some of Me is Younger” by Deborah McKinlay
- “Parachute Girl” by Jax Peters Lowell
- “More Cousin’s Club Than Country” by Rochelle Distelheim
- “Norris Gets Himself a Present” by John Lavelle
- “Acts of Nature, Acts of God” by Annie Dawid
- “Haircut” by Doug Lewandowski
2017 editors’ prize for poetry
Issue 7 table of contents
bosque Journal back issues
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